Eric Adams


Eric Adams’ messaging strategy gets a new general

The mayor appointed City Hall press secretary Fabien Levy to the new role of deputy mayor for communications.



Yusef Salaam never lost his infinite hope

The likely New York City Council member campaigned in poetry. Now he must learn to govern in prose.



Eric Adams’ ‘record-breaking’ year for affordable housing has some caveats

New affordable housing starts saw significant growth in the last fiscal year, but the financing of affordable units is still lower than in recent years under de Blasio.



Justin Brannan knows what it takes for Democrats to win in Bay Ridge

To survive reelection in southern Brooklyn, Brannan is focusing on constituent service and pragmatic politics.



Justin Brannan rocks out to this playlist

The New York City Council member’s picks range from punk rock to dad rock.

News & Politics


'The Coachella of Brooklyn'

Gov. Kathy Hochul, Mayor Eric Adams, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and more are expected to show for the Brooklyn Democratic Party’s gala.



Amid heat wave, at least one shelter for asylum-seekers lacks air conditioning

NYC Emergency Management Commissioner Zach Iscol said the city limits the age of residents of a Harlem shelter that doesn’t have air conditioning.



Lisa Zornberg named City Hall’s next top lawyer

The former federal prosecutor and white collar defense attorney will take over for Brendan McGuire.

Heard Around Town


A look at NYPD First Deputy Commissioner Tania Kinsella’s complaint history

Several complaints against the newly promoted deputy commissioner have been dismissed. None have been substantiated.

Heard Around Town


Transit groups call for congestion toll to be passed on to for-hire vehicle riders

A six-member Traffic Mobility Review Board will meet on Wednesday to develop recommendations on a toll structure for congestion pricing.



Edward Caban named NYPD’s first Latino commissioner

A department veteran and Eric Adams loyalist takes over for Keechant Sewell, who stepped down after reportedly being micromanaged by the administration

Heard Around Town


Challengers soar past George Santos in fundraising

The embattled incumbent Congress member is being outraised by Democratic challengers and a Republican vying for the seat.



The City Council shot down Eric Adams’ veto on housing vouchers. Now what?

For the first time since the Bloomberg years, the council voted to override a mayoral veto. Council members said a package of bills expanding access to housing vouchers is a crucial step in addressing the housing crisis.

New York City


NYC Council mocks Eric Adams’ housing op-ed with ‘annotated version’

The conflict over a package of City Council bills comes amid continually fraying relations between council leaders and City Hall and on the eve of a likely veto override.



City Council members, public advocate allege missteps in city’s response to air quality crisis

New York City Emergency Management Commissioner Zach Iscol said the city did everything it should have to respond to “unprecedented” hazardous air quality last month.

New York State


Coney Island casino idea draws local opposition

Comments against the idea of a casino in Coney Island outnumbered comments in favor at two community forums organized by Brooklyn Borough President Antonio Reynoso.



What you need to know about NYC retirees’ health care fight

A Manhattan judge temporarily blocked the city’s long pursued and controversial plan to switch city retirees to a privatized Medicare Advantage plan.



New York Assembly member claims to have introduced the first bill written by AI

Assembly Member Clyde Vanel introduced a bill to help renters. It was researched and drafted by artificial intelligence.