Heard Around Town

Eric Adams not interested in ‘cheap shots’ at Andrew Cuomo

Asked about his “possible primary opponent” and his testimony in Washington, the mayor demurred.

New York City Mayor Eric Adams addresses the press at his weekly “off-topic.”

New York City Mayor Eric Adams addresses the press at his weekly “off-topic.” Ed Reed/Mayoral Photography Office

Given an opportunity to take a shot at a potential political rival, Mayor Eric Adams punted, declaring that he’s not interested in “cheap shots.”

During his weekly press availability, Adams was asked by FOX 5 NY about former Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s handling of nursing home deaths during the COVID-19 pandemic. Cuomo, who is rumored to be mulling a run for mayor in 2025, is giving testimony in Congress Tuesday on the subject. “I’m just not taking cheap shots at people. All of us have good days and bad days, and so he’ll testify in front of Congress and explain what happened during that time,” Adams said. “It was a very difficult time for all of us, and I’m sure all of us would like to have done things differently.” 

Cuomo has started to make the rounds with labor leaders, feeling out a political comeback and potential run for mayor, the Daily News reported last month. “One of the worst things you can do is train for an activity without knowing your opponent,” Adams said, when asked about his “possible primary opponent” Cuomo. “So I don’t know all this ‘possible’ stuff. I’m focused on running the city.”