Author Archive
Harvey Epstein
is an assemblyman from Manhattan.
Opinion: The future of mental health in NYC
We need innovative, compassionate leadership that reimagines public safety and mental health services through the lenses of justice, equity and real community care.
- By Harvey Epstein
Opinion: Our veterans deserve better
We can honor the men and women who served our country by prohibiting housing discrimination against veterans and guaranteeing them legal representation in civil matters.
- By Harvey Epstein
Opinion: Why New York deserves a reproductive healthcare services training and education grant program
Including $6 to 8 million in the final state budget for such an effort will ensure that medical interns and residents are properly trained in medical and surgical abortion procedures.
- By Harvey Epstein and Liz Krueger
New York City
Assembly should pass ‘rent justice’ platform
The state Legislature can finally reverse decades of policymaking driven by the influence of the real estate industry and set standards in law for when evictions are appropriate, write Assembly members Catalina Cruz and Harvey Epstein.
- By Catalina Cruz and Harvey Epstein
MTA should fast forward disabled accessibility in existing projects
The NYCTA improvement plan prizes accessible stations, so why won’t the L-train stations being shut down become accessible?
- By Carlina Rivera and Harvey Epstein