New York City


De Blasio’s mixed record with public sector unions

Labor and union leaders are doubtful that New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio is fit to be president — despite the fact that he has yet to announce that he is running — due to his mixed record with public sector unions.


Playing politics with the NY1 picket line

Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s NY1 boycott amid a long-simmering standoff between the channel’s parent company, Charter Spectrum, and IBEW Local 3 has not led to a breakthrough. But in the heat of election season, his move sends a clear message to the labor movement.

Health Care


Which corporations get to sponsor WNYC? It’s not so black and white.

Which corporations get to air their messages on WNYC? New York Public Radio President and CEO Laura Walker says it's not a simple process.



The corporatization of WNYC

New York Public Radio markets itself on the presumption that as a nonprofit alternative to the corporate media, it is driven by the public interest instead of a self-serving profit motive. But how well is it living up to its high-minded reputation?



Labor is under threat. A new bus managers union shows how to fight back.

A new MTA bus managers union could be a model for growth as the labor movement faces an uncertain landscape.



Gothamist is back. But what about its union?

Gothamist is back, but its new owner, WNYC, is grappling with a culture shift as union and management prepare for contract talks.


21st century journalism

Labor activists arehailing this month’s successful organizing drive by the 400 staffers at Vox Media as a sign that digital journalists can unionize and attain the kind of job security that reporters took for granted a generation ago.