Andrew Cuomo
Cuomo’s coronavirus poster, annotated
We unpack the meaning behind the symbolic poster, from the “Boyfriend Cliff” to “Economy Falls.”
New York City
How NY is preparing for its next COVID-19 outbreak
As the rest of the country sees enormous spikes in coronavirus cases, the state braces for the inevitable.
New York City
NYC turns its attention to medical racism
After a Black woman died after giving birth, renewed interest in tackling longstanding racial disparities.
New York State
NY should rethink its reopening plans
With new data available regarding COVID-19’s transmissibility, the state would be wise to rethink some of the industries it’s allowing to reopen.
Donald Trump
Supreme Court tells Trump to turn over his taxes
New York is just one step closer to seeing President Donald Trump’s personal finances.
Health Care (Archived)
What Cuomo’s nursing home report does not say
Nursing home deaths from COVID-19 are more complicated than the state Department of Health report explains.
City Council members blame NYPD cuts for rise in shootings
Robert Holden, Joe Borelli and the PBA say other elected officials have invited crime.
New York State
NYC’s coronavirus tracing program is making small strides
One month in, New York City Health + Hospitals is finding its footing.
Andrew Cuomo
Andrew Cuomo, the auteur
The governor’s coronavirus mountain is just one of his many artistic creations.
New York State
Should NYC allow indoor dining during Phase Three?
Not until New Yorkers learn how to keep their masks on and stay six feet a part, according to health experts.
New York State
State Sen. Zellnor Myrie wants to end qualified immunity
The legal defense has been criticized for giving police officers an unfair advantage in civil lawsuits.
New York State
Cariol Horne finally gets some attention
With the Buffalo Common Council putting pressure on the state attorney general, the former police officer may have a chance of collecting her pension.
‘Occupy City Hall’ protestors want to defund the NYPD
Hundreds of activists are camping out, calling for a $1 billion cut to the police budget.
New York City
What’s with all the fireworks?
New Yorkers have made a record number of complaints about the nightly barrage of fireworks.
New York State
Can Schumer and Gillibrand block Geoffrey Berman’s successor?
The U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York was abruptly terminated and President Trump wants a crony to replace him.
New York State
What is Juneteenth?
Cuomo’s executive order gives state employees the day off in honor of the holiday. What is it all about?
Visiting NYC’s museums and theaters won’t be the same
Cultural attractions will be among the last places to reopen, and they’ll look different when they do.
New York State
Watchdog: Group homes couldn’t get PPE from state
A new complaint said disabled children and adults were discriminated against in the scramble for masks and gloves.
New York City
The most New York films about New York
Here’s what to watch during the endless bummer of COVID-19.
New York State
The push to remove racist statues in New York
Recent protests have sparked renewed interest in what to do about some of the state’s problematic monuments.
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