New York State


Why Cuomo shot down a bill to study municipal broadband

Gov. Andrew Cuomo said the bill was “well-intentioned” but that it would be too expensive to complete.



Ring security scare hits home in New York

A Staten Island home experienced a troubling issue with Amazon’s Ring security cameras.

New York City


What to know about Amazon’s new office in Manhattan

Amazon plans to expand in New York. Here’s how to cut through all the hot takes.



Big Tech is thriving in Manhattan – but what about the other boroughs?

Tech giants like Amazon are expanding office space in Manhattan, leaving the other boroughs behind.



City Councilman Koo introduces algorithm transparency bill

Transparency bill would require city agencies to disclose details of every automated system used.

New York State


Why hasn’t Cuomo approved the e-bikes bill?

The governor is making e-bike and scooter legalization advocates anxious.



Talking ride-hail data with TLC’s Amit Agarwal

The CIO at the New York City Taxi and Limousine Commission discusses data collection and protection.

New York City


Can New York be a future space hub?

A handful of lawmakers are pushing the idea of a New York state space program, but there’s some work to do before planting a New York state flag on the moon.

New York City


Why New York City is getting an algorithms officer

Mayor Bill de Blasio issued an executive order on Tuesday to create the position of “algorithms management and policy officer.”

New York City


New York-born ride-hail company Juno bites the dust

Juno struggled to compete with other ride-hail companies, despite marketing itself as an ethical alternative.

New York State


New York focuses on election security amid challenges nationwide

Gov. Andrew Cuomo vows to keep New York on the cutting edge of election cybersecurity.