Andrew Cuomo


Nonprofits on front lines call for protections for their workers, too

Nonprofit leaders say human services workers should also get bonus pay for front line workers during the COVID-19 pandemic.



Nonprofits ask for clearer guidance from state government

Organizations point to New York City’s commitment to continued funding as a model for the state.

New York City


Who will feed the hungry during the coronavirus outbreak?

Charities are feeling the strain as New York City tries to feed its students and elderly.



Cuomo resurfaces nonprofit donor disclosure plan

The governor wants to make major donors to nonprofits public despite losing a legal battle over a similar 2016 law.



NYC nonprofit accused of fraud to lose its homeless shelters

Childrens Community Services, one of the city’s largest social services providers, is having its operations wound down.

Andrew Cuomo


Long-term care providers targeted in Cuomo’s budget

Human services funding remains largely consistent in the executive budget, though nonprofit nursing home providers may get squeezed.

New York State


Cuomo vetoes bill aimed to help people of color keep custody of their kids

Advocates will renew the fight to increase the burden of proof needed to substantiate child neglect cases in 2020.



Two years in, David Hansell reflects on running ACS

Administration for Children’s Services Commissioner David Hansell explains the latest in child welfare.



How the AG contenders would run the Charities Bureau

How would the Democratic Attorney General candidates would run the Charities Bureau



The corporatization of WNYC

New York Public Radio markets itself on the presumption that as a nonprofit alternative to the corporate media, it is driven by the public interest instead of a self-serving profit motive. But how well is it living up to its high-minded reputation?



City Hall: There are migrants separated from their parents in New York

The federal government is placing newly unaccompanied minors in New York City residential programs.

New York City


Never abandon: Increase funding for the City Council’s Holocaust Survivors Initiative

New York City is home to nearly 45,000 holocaust survivors, almost half of whom live at or below the poverty line.



How the 2018-19 state budget affects the nonprofit sector

New York nonprofits scored some funding wins in the final state budget for the upcoming year, but the victory was not shared across the board.


Donald Trump

A year into Trump presidency, New Yorkers resist through nonprofits

Nonprofits have been a beneficiary of the political awakening of women who have inserted themselves into a nationwide surge in volunteerism, powered a spike in donations to nonprofit groups like the NYCLU, and led to a growing progressive wave at the local political level in Westchester County, where groups like Indivisible Westchester helped Democrats pick up three seats during a recent county legislature election.