

Hochul doesn’t talk state work permits with Biden

But state Senate lawyers are currently analyzing new legislation that would supersede the federal government



Staffing shortages are still disrupting New York City services

Ahead of a hiring freeze, the mayor’s management report showed how insufficient staffing hampered some agencies’ operations.



New York lawmakers who used to be in unions

From the union hall to the halls of power: legislators previously worked as union nurses, educators and bartenders.



New York looks at options for state work authorization for asylum-seekers

Lawmakers including Catalina Cruz and Jenifer Rajkumar have introduced bills. Gov. Kathy Hochul said she’s considering “possible language.”



20,000 city jobs would stay vacant under Adams’ hiring freeze

Facing mounting asylum-seeker costs on top of other budget shortfalls, the mayor plans to use the tool for the first time.

Campaigns & Elections


‘All hands on deck’: Democrats, unions rally behind Berger in special election

Democrat Sam Berger has outraised and outspent Republican David Hirsch in the Queens Assembly special election, but insiders said Hirsch could succeed – in part by playing on frustrations about the migrant crisis.



Brooklyn Army Terminal will host climate innovation pilot program

New York City Economic Development Corp. CEO Andrew Kimball announced the program’s launch at an economic and workforce development summit hosted by City & State.

Power Lists

Power Lists

The 2023 NYC Labor Power 100

The leaders of the most influential unions in the five boroughs.

New York State


Corporate delay tactics are clouding union wins in New York

Labor unions bear the brunt of these aggressive maneuvers. How will they fight back?



On the heels of negative polling, Hochul makes formal call to Biden for work authorization for asylum-seekers

Earlier this week, Siena College found that 82% of New Yorkers believe the influx of migrants is a “serious problem.” Hochul said she’d ramp up efforts to connect migrants to jobs as soon as the federal government acts.



City Council backs striking Hollywood unions

The Council passed non-binding resolutions demanding Hollywood studios negotiate with striking actors and writers.



The nation’s biggest public union wants to help fix the workforce shortage

The group launched a listening tour in New York and has already received feedback from state and local workers on what governments can do to attract and retain employees.

Energy & Environment


Opinion: Employ vulnerable communities to build New York’s clean energy transition

In order to right deep-rooted environmental inequities, the state’s clean energy transition should provide communities of color with access to quality job opportunities in the new green economy.



Staffed up gun crime unit gets results, amid NYC government job vacancies

There are tens of thousands of unfilled city positions, under Mayor Eric Adams, but a small unit of the Office of Chief Medical Examiner has hit goals after hiring new employees.



Eric Adams announces new contract deal with teachers union that allows more remote learning

The 120,000 union members will also see significant raises as part of the contract that extends through 2027.



Opinion: Albany must step up for essential retail workers

A package of bills designed to protect and empower employees at stores throughout our community should pass before the end of this legislative session.

Kathy Hochul


Hochul remains tight-lipped on her plans for the revised Grieving Families Act

Just five months ago, the governor vetoed the popular bill to update the state’s wrongful death laws. Lawmakers have passed a new version they say addresses the governor’s concerns.



Opinion: Tenant protections can't wait another year

To truly stand up for working-class New Yorkers, lawmakers must pass “good cause” eviction.



Opinion: The real tragedy in workplace deaths? Some lives are worth more than others

New York must pass the Grieving Families Act to fix its outdated and discriminatory wrongful death law.