

The Republican take on organized labor post-Janus

State Sen. Fred Akshar calls for balancing of labor and business after the Janus ruling.



The state of labor in New York City

Bob Linn and I. Daneek Miller on Janus, collective bargaining and the upcoming elections.

New York City


The battle for Hudson Yards

The construction trades and Related Companies are at war over nonunion labor at Hudson Yards. But the data behind the nonunion sector’s growth is murky.



End the sub-minimum wage for tipped employees

The state Department of Labor should require one fair wage for all workers.



NYC’s commercial waste industry is trash. How should we fix it?

New York City’s commercial waste industry is a broken system. How should we fix it?

New York City


Low-income New Yorkers are getting more economically hopeful

More low-income New Yorkers are hopeful that upward mobility is attainable, according to a report by the Community Service Society of New York, but it also finds that 2 out of 3 among them still feel they are in a precarious, if not worsening, economic situation.



Records standoff between NYPD and Vance continues

The New York Police Department hasn’t met Manhattan District Attorney Cy Vance’s demands for access to internal police disciplinary records and investigative reports, but Police Commissioner James O’Neill is confident the two sides will reach an agreement.



Gottfried's Janus workaround reopens labor debate

Assemblyman Richard Gottfried's plan would allow unions to collect reimbursement for the costs of collective bargaining from the state rather than from employees who opt out through agency fees. Conservatives argue that Gottfried’s bill would also be ruled unconstitutional by the Supreme Court’s conservative majority because they believe it to fall under compelled speech.



A stunning upset, congressional primaries and a Janus decision

A stunning upset, congressional primaries and a Supreme Court Janus decision in this week's top political news.

New York City


Supreme Court strains public sector unions in Janus decision

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled 5-4 Wednesday that public sector employees cannot be forced to pay union dues.

New York State


Pension politics puts solvency at risk

Taxpayers may be on the hook if pension returns don’t meet high expectations.

New York City


Paid parental leave fight coming to the New York City Council

The New York City Council is hoping to pressure Mayor Bill de Blasio’s administration to provide a paid family leave policy to all public employees, and is holding a joint hearing on Monday afternoon to hear from municipal employees testifying on the issue.


Andrew Cuomo

WFP backs Nixon, parolees get to vote and the IDC downsizes

WFP backs Cynthia Nixon, parolees get to vote and the IDC downsizes



Which unions are in and out of the WFP?

Which unions are in and out of the WFP? Assessing the fallout of the tussle over endorsing Cynthia Nixon for governor.



What the Assembly wants to do for public-sector unions

An interview with Peter Abbate Jr., chairman of the Assembly Committee on Governmental Employees.



Bob Linn is watching the U.S. Supreme Court

Labor Commissioner Bob Linn spoke to City & State about tussling with the police union, negotiating with NYCHA workers and why he’s watching the U.S. Supreme Court.