New York City


Veterans’ affairs

How well is New York serving those who served in the military?

New York State


Despite expansion, inconsistent access to veteran treatment courts

New York legislation would allow referral of cases to problem-solving veteran treatment courts across jurisdictions.

Bill de Blasio


De Blasio’s reduction in pot arrests doesn’t go far enough

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio's recent announcement addresses the severity but not the disparity of marijuana enforcement.

New York State


The big issues being left unresolved in Albany

New York's legislative session will end without resolution for many hot topics.

New York City


Why New York should eliminate cash bail for smaller crimes

Race, wealth and geography should not determine whether someone is free or locked up.

Donald Trump


Attorney General Barbara Underwood continues the office’s pursuit of Trump

The New York AG’s office filed suit against the Trump Foundation for allegedly funneling money to the president’s 2016 campaign

Criminal Justice


2018 Session Countdown

Election season is heating up across the state, but there's still work to be done in Albany.

Gun Control


Gun control bill targeting ‘extreme risks’ advances in state Senate

State Sen. Brian Kavanagh forced a vote on S1733a at the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing. The bill would allow judges to issue temporary orders prohibiting someone from buying or possessing a gun.

Criminal Justice


Criminal justice reform would protect immigrants from deportation

Minor crimes get immigrants in trouble with the Trump administration. Here's what New York can do to protect them.

Andrew Cuomo


Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s the leftest of them all?

Cynthia Nixon is trying to get to Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s left. But is there any space there?

Criminal Justice


Close the Bronx’s jail barge

Close the Bronx’s jail barge. Two jails in one neighborhood is enough.


NYN Media

Is New York City ready to implement Raise the Age?

Unanswered questions seem to jeopardize New York City's ability to meet the Oct. 1 deadline for implementing Raise the Age legislation. The city must remove youthful offenders from Rikers Island and move juvenile offenders to age-appropriate juvenile delinquent facilities.

NYN Media


Why armed guards would be bad for schools

Over-policing schools has not worked in NY.