

Controversial facial-recognition app used by State Police, U.S. attorney

Technology that pulls images from social media platforms used by New York law enforcement agencies

New York State


Heastie’s weakening hand on bail reform

Fair or not, the political winds are blowing in favor of changing the recently implemented criminal justice reforms.

Criminal Justice


The Democrats working to reform bail reform

A working group of state senators is under pressure to rethink criminal justice – again – or risk electoral defeat.

Criminal Justice


It’s not just jail, bail or getting released

New York City’s supervised release program is expected to see more participants as other new pre-trial initiatives are pursued.

Criminal Justice


Long Island Democrats pushing for bail reform

They’re facing pressure to revise the law, and failure could haunt them in November.

New York State


What should Albany get done right away?

Activists and lawmakers are looking for quick action on these six issues.

Criminal Justice


Will Democrats reform their new bail reform law?

Potential changes include adding bail-eligible offense and giving judges more discretion.

Criminal Justice


Assembly Minority Leader Brian Kolb steps down

His resignation came three days after a Dec. 31 arrest for alleged drunk driving.

New York State


What Brian Kolb’s arrest means for bail reform

Getting arrested on New Year’s Eve for allegedly drinking and driving is bad enough, but Assembly Minority Leader Brian Kolb drove his state-issued GMC Acadia into a ditch at an especially inopportune time for Republicans as they vociferously oppose bail reform.

Criminal Justice


Democrats say it’s time to stop passing on pot

They’re determined to make a deal after their last effort went up in smoke.