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A three pronged-approach to alleviating poverty

How Oyate Group provides education, resources and services, and sustainable and holistic structures to empower underdeveloped communities all across NYC

What is the state of the Bronx in 2024?

Recovery from the pandemic remains inequitable, especially in the Bronx. At Oyate Group we believe recovery begins with identifying and supporting the economic drivers in our communities. By supporting the growth and sustainability of small businesses, we can help them create jobs and keep wealth in their neighborhoods. 

Within the last year, we’ve created two entrepreneurship programs to uplift businesses in the Bronx: Community Capital, an incubator for new entrepreneurs, and Rising Restaurateur, offering grants to local restaurants. Critically, both programs include ongoing education and mentoring to ensure long-term viability, success and impact on the community. 

What role do you play in improving the borough?

Oyate Group is a Bronx-based nonprofit with the mission to alleviate poverty. We believe that in the financial capital of the world, no one should be left behind. Our approach has three prongs: to educate and inform, to provide resources and services and, lastly, to create sustainable and holistic structures to empower our underdeveloped communities all across New York City. Oyate Group’s programs are focused on youth development, support for undocumented immigrants, small business empowerment, food and resource security and more. 

What policy issues are you focused on this year?

Our city is facing an unprecedented level of immigration, and I believe this is a moment in which we must reconsider how we better engage and empower our immigrant populations. 

At Oyate Group, we recognized a gap in services for the most under-served in this community – undocumented youth. They had no opportunities to earn professional development skills while getting paid, as their peers do. This perpetuates cycles of unemployment and poverty for undocumented families. In response, we created a paid internship program for undocumented youth, which this summer received over 1,000 applications for just 45 spots. 

This is clearly a pressing issue, but I don’t think solutions are out of reach – I look forward to more innovative approaches this year.