News & Politics

Who in the Adams administration has been searched and subpoenaed by the feds?

A running list of known searches, seizures and subpoenas among top officials and advisers to Mayor Eric Adams.

Deputy Mayor for Public Safety Phil Banks

Deputy Mayor for Public Safety Phil Banks Violet Mendelsund/Mayoral Photo Office

Mayor Eric Adams and his inner circle continue to draw attention from federal law enforcement. Last week, federal prosecutors raided the homes of and seized devices from several top administration officials – and some of their family members – with the latest round targeting NYPD officials.

“Investigators have not indicated to us the mayor or his staff are targets of any investigation,” City Hall Chief Counsel Lisa Zornberg said in a statement after the news broke last week. “As a former member of law enforcement, the mayor has repeatedly made clear that all members of the team need to follow the law.” No criminal charges have been filed in the more recent probes that have involved subpoenas of top-ranking City Hall and NYPD officials, or in the investigation into Adams’ 2021 campaign fundraising.

With multiple members of Adams’ inner circle at City Hall touched by law enforcement investigations, however, it can get a little hard to keep track. These are the current and former members of Adams’ administration and campaign who have been searched, subpoenaed or otherwise linked to various law enforcement investigations, according to multiple reports.

Mayor Eric Adams

Since at least fall 2023, the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York and the FBI have been investigating Mayor Eric Adams’ 2021 campaign fundraising, including whether the campaign conspired with Turkish officials to receive illegal foreign donations. It’s unclear exactly how far-reaching the investigation is, but a search warrant reported by The New York Times last fall showed that federal authorities were looking at the activities of KSK Construction, a Brooklyn company owned by Turkish immigrants that hosted a fundraiser for Adams, and whether they received any benefits or kickbacks from those with ties to the campaign. According to further reports, investigators were looking at whether Adams pressured the Fire Department to cut through red tape for the opening of a new Turkish consulate building in 2021, and they have also eyed flight upgrades they believe Adams received on Turkish Airlines.

As part of that investigation, Adams himself has been searched, though he has not been charged with any crimes and City Hall has said that he is cooperating with authorities. On Nov. 6, 2023, as Adams was leaving an event in Manhattan, FBI agents approached him and entered his car with him, asking his security detail to step aside, before seizing two cell phones and an iPad, according to a New York Times report.

The investigation has continued into this summer, with Adams, City Hall and his campaign receiving grand jury subpoenas in July. The subpoenas sought text messages, documents and other communications, according to the Times. 

Brianna Suggs, fundraiser and campaign consultant

The federal investigation into Adams’ campaign fundraising first became public last fall, when news broke that federal agents had searched the home of the mayor’s chief fundraiser, Brianna Suggs. On Nov. 2, 2023, agents raided Suggs’ Brooklyn home, seizing several electronic devices, documents, a folder labeled “Eric Adams” and more evidence, the Times reported. At the time, Adams was scheduled to have several meetings in Washington D.C. but the raid caused him to cancel them to return home. Adams said later in November that Suggs was no longer fundraising for his 2025 reelection campaign but remained on his campaign team in an unspecified role. Suggs’ consulting company has billed at least $40,000 worth of work to the campaign since the raid, according to the most recent available campaign finance report.

Rana Abbasova, director of protocol in Mayor's Office for International Affairs 

It was later reported that Rana Abbasova, who worked in the Brooklyn borough president’s office and served as a liaison to the Turkish community, also had her home in New Jersey raided by federal agents on Nov. 2, 2023. The New York Post reported that Abbasova was reported by Adams’ team to have acted improperly and was placed on leave. The Times reported earlier this spring that Abbasova had turned on Adams and was cooperating with investigators. 

Cenk Öcal, a member of Adams’ transition team and a former executive at Turkish Airlines, also had his home in New Jersey raided on Nov. 2, 2023.

Winnie Greco, special adviser to the mayor and director of Asian affairs

City Hall’s Director of Asian Affairs Winnie Greco, also a longtime volunteer for Adams’ campaigns, has attracted attention from both federal authorities and the city’s own Department of Investigation. In the latter case, the DOI is looking at whether Greco used her position for her personal benefit, following reporting by The City in November 2023 that she pressured a prospective city employee, who was later hired by the city, to do work on her own home. The City also reported that Greco pressured donors to give thousands of dollars to her nonprofit organization in exchange for access to the mayor. 

Separately, in February 2024, FBI agents raided two properties owned by Greco in the Bronx as well as the New World Mall in Queens, where The City also reported on evidence of potentially illegal straw donations to Adams’ campaign. Greco was on sick leave but has returned to work and received a raise, The City reported in May.

Phil Banks, deputy mayor for public safety

Adams’ deputy mayor for public safety has already been involved in a corruption scandal – the former NYPD chief of department was named an unindicted co-conspirator in a bribery case in 2018 and denied wrongdoing – but last week, Phil Banks joined the ranks of current Adams administration officials who have been raided by federal authorities. The City first reported that Banks and several other top administration officials had their homes raided and phones seized on Sept. 4. Though the scope of the investigation is unclear, the Times reported that the raids were not related to the investigation into Adams’ 2021 campaign fundraising and Turkish ties. 

City Hall has said that authorities have not indicated that the mayor or his staff are targets of any investigations, and that the mayor has made clear to all members of his team that they have to follow the law.

David Banks, New York City Schools chancellor

Schools Chancellor David Banks – brother of Phil – also had his home raided as part of the Sept. 4 action.

A third Banks brother – Terence Banks, a consultant and former MTA official – also had his home searched and phone seized, the Times reported.

Sheena Wright, first deputy mayor

Adams’ first deputy mayor Sheena Wright shares a home with her partner David Banks, and also had her cell phone seized on Sept. 4, the Times reported.

Tim Pearson, senior adviser

Tim Pearson, a former NYPD inspector and senior adviser to Adams, also had cell phones subpoenaed on Sept. 4, the Post reported.

Pearson has already been under investigation by the city Department of Investigation. His role is under the city’s Economic Development Corporation and its full scope remains unclear, but it’s reported to include influence over NYPD and public safety decisions, as well as overseeing security at migrant shelters. In October 2023, Pearson allegedly got into a physical altercation at a Midtown shelter while trying to enter without identifying himself, though he says that he did identify himself. Pearson is also named in several lawsuits alleging sexual harassment and retaliation against female colleagues – allegations his lawyer has denied.

Edward Caban, police commissioner

Even the head of the New York City Police Department has attracted law enforcement’s attention. Police Commissioner Edward Caban received a visit from federal authorities last week, NY1 reported, and had his phone seized.

Though the full scope of what authorities have sought from those searched is unclear, the Post reported that they’re looking at whether Eddie Caban’s twin brother James – who City & State previously reported on – profited by trading on influence at the NYPD in selling consulting services to nightclubs. James also had his phone seized, NBC New York reported.

Politico New York reported on Monday that Caban is expected to step down soon; City Hall’s spokesperson said that they wouldn’t speculate on rumors.

Eric Ulrich, former Department of Buildings commissioner

In a separate investigation, former Department of Buildings commissioner and former City Council member Eric Ulrich was indicted on 16 felony charges in September 2023, with counts including conspiracy and bribe-taking. The Manhattan District Attorney’s office detailed allegations of Ulrich using his official position for his personal and monetary gain. Ulrich has pleaded not guilty. He resigned from his position shortly after news broke in November 2022 that investigators were looking into potential ties to illegal gambling.