Heard Around Town

Velázquez to Latino voters: ‘We have done so much’

The representative urged Democrats to communicate the records of President Biden and Congress to drum up Hispanic support in November.

Rep. Nydia Velázquez spoke at the Allentown Arts Park In Allentown, Pennsylvania, Tuesday as part of a nationwide tour aimed at informing Latino communities about the work of Congress and the Biden administration.

Rep. Nydia Velázquez spoke at the Allentown Arts Park In Allentown, Pennsylvania, Tuesday as part of a nationwide tour aimed at informing Latino communities about the work of Congress and the Biden administration. Justin Sweitzer

Rep. Nydia Velázquez was out with First Lady Jill Biden and members of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus in Allentown, Pennsylvania, on Tuesday, as part of a nationwide tour aimed at informing Latino communities about the work of Congress and the Biden administration. City & State covered the story and caught up with Velázquez, the ranking member of the U.S. House Small Business Committee, who weighed in on several topics related to New York politics, including how Democrats can earn the support of Latino voters this fall. The way to do that, she said, is to communicate the record of Congress and the Biden administration to voters. 

“We have done so much, and the president has done so much,” she said. “When you look at the numbers of our economy when it comes to the unemployment rate, the number of startups in the United States, businesses created – 17 million new businesses because of the investments made by this administration. Whether it was the American Rescue Plan, or the infrastructure (bill), or the Inflation Reduction Act – those three components have had immense impact in a positive way.” 

​​Velázquez emphasized how important it is for lawmakers to be visible in their communities to explain the real-world impacts of the policies they craft in the nation’s capital. “It’s not only about results; it’s about hitting the ground in our communities and discussing like we are doing today,” she said. “(Discussing) the legislative agenda that this administration has been able to accomplish (and how it impacts) their life.”

Velázquez added that there is an opportunity to expand Latino representation in government in New York this cycle. 

“We represent a large component of New York’s population, whether it’s in the city or in Albany,” she said. “Of course, there will be the opportunity for more Latino representation – and whatever I can do, … to hit the campaign trail supporting Latinos and any other progressive candidate – I will be doing so.”