Heard Around Town
Adams finally endorses Hochul, but seems to be staying out of the race for lieutenant governor
The mayor may be torn between supporting Antonio Delgado and his former colleague Diana Reyna.

New York City Mayor Eric Adams finally endorsed Gov. Kathy Hochul. Ed Reed/Mayoral Photography Office
New York City Mayor Eric Adams has finally endorsed Gov. Kathy Hochul, and the governor even borrowed a bit of the mayor’s shtick on stage. “The mayor says don’t ever bet against New York City, and I say don’t bet against the state of New York either, because you’ll be a loser every single time,” Hochul declared. “And we don’t want losers. We are not a city and state of losers. We are a city and state of winners!” The endorsement came at 32BJ SEIU’s headquarters in Manhattan with leaders from that union and the Hotel Trades Council on stage with them. Just a couple hours later, those two powerful unions announced they’d be endorsing Lt. Gov. Antonio Delgado in his race. It seems like Adams is staying out of that one, however. As much as he would presumably like to endorse against Working Families Party-backed LG candidate Ana María Archila, the mayor may be stuck between a rock and a hard place on the other two. Delgado is Hochul’s running mate and the presumed favorite, while Diana Reyna was Adams’ deputy borough president in Brooklyn for four years. (Adams is in good company – The New York Times isn’t endorsing either in this race.) The three LG candidates hit the stage together for the only time tonight in a 7 p.m. debate on NY1 and other Spectrum stations.