Add another name to the list of former New York City Council members who’ve gotten jobs in Eric Adams’ mayoral administration. Darma Diaz, who lost her reelection bid to Sandy Nurse in 2021, is now associate commissioner for special initiatives in the family division of the city Department of Homeless Services. Diaz started on Feb. 14 and makes $170,000 annually – and her appointment is being reported first by City & State. She has worked in homeless services for more than a decade as housing director at a homeless shelter run by Overcoming-Love Ministries. Diaz pushed back on the idea that she got the job because she endorsed Adams on the day he launched his campaign. “I worked hard. I put my resume out there,” she told City & State. “I’m sure that being aligned with (Adams’) vision and his thought process and him knowing that I brought a certain level of expertise to it was helpful, but I want the world to know that I earned my seat at the table.” Diaz was the Brooklyn Democratic Party pick in a 2020 special election for City Council District 37 in Bushwick and Cypress Hills, and only served for a year.