I’m thrilled to announce that City & State has been acquired by a leading national information services and media company — Government Executive Media Group (GEMG), based in Washington, D.C.
I will continue in my role as publisher and spearhead our expansion around New York state. We have a number of new product ideas for City & State in the coming months. Our recent launch of new e-newsletters like “Campaign Confidential” and “Excelsior” have been very well received and we plan to continue to innovate to serve our readers even better.
GEMG is a fast-growing company that was spun off by Atlantic Media last March. It focuses on data, information and insights for government leaders around the country and has high-quality products like GovExec, Nextgov, Defense One and Route Fifty. They also produce many events each year, some similar to the ones we do in New York.
The acquisition of City & State will be a win-win for all. City & State will now be part of a larger company and infrastructure that will allow us to grow rapidly both in New York state as well as replicate our model in states and municipalities around the country. This acquisition will turbocharge GEMG as it continues its ambitious expansion to serve federal, state and local government leaders with high-quality news, information, data and insights every day.
As we enter this new chapter in City & State’s growth story, I want to thank all of our loyal readers who have helped us get to this exciting moment. Your continued engagement with our award-winning journalism and our high-profile events has allowed us to expand — our coverage now includes four daily e-newsletters, two weekly e-newsletters, a weekly magazine, and more than 50 events a year.
As always, I welcome reader feedback to our daily coverage, story tips and any new ideas we can implement that will help us serve you even better. I can be reached 24/7 at tallon@cityandstateny.com.
Here’s to a great 2021 — we can all benefit from a new year with good news.

Tom Allon
Publisher, City & State NY