Winners & Losers

This week's biggest Winners & Losers

Who's up and who's down this week?

For New York politicos, the Democratic National Convention in Chicago was a bit like a high school party. They had to catch rides with friends to get in, Lil Jon was blasting from the speakers and there was plenty of awkward dancing. Of course, not everyone was invited. But everyone who's anyone was there – Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and the rest of the popular crowd, as well as our awkward friend, Gov. Kathy Hochul. Still, all parties must come to an end eventually. New York's delegates don't have to go home, but they can't stay here.


Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez -

The other states at the DNC may have their rappers, moderate farmers and bad pizza, but New York’s got a message: we’ve got the one and only AOC and you don’t. The congressional representative used a rousing speech to excite delegates and lend her progressive street cred to Vice President Kamala Harris. The speech even earned her rare praise from state Democratic Chair Jay Jacobs – but some progressives were not impressed with her speech.

Rob Allen -

It doesn’t make up for the decades of contaminated drinking water that has plagued the residents of Hoosick Falls, but a $3 million influx of cash into the village whose annual budget hovers around $2 million sure is nice. Mayor Rob Allen announced the settlement with chemical manufacturers 3M and DuPont, both accused of polluting Hoosick Falls’ water supply. It’s far less than the previous $65 million settlement the village got from another company, but after years of suffering, every cent helps.

James Skoufis & Donna Lupardo -

New York’s best brewed cider and finest distilled spirits are coming to a mailbox near you. At least that’s what state Sen. James Skoufis and Assembly Member Donna Lupardo must be telling their constituents and alcohol purveyors in the state. This week, Hochul signed their bill allowing direct-to-consumer shipping for locally-made cider and spirits. As Hochul said, “Cheers.”


George Santos -

Has the too tall tale of the lying ousted Long Island congressional representative finally come to an end? George Santos officially pleaded guilty to aggravated identity theft and wire fraud charges stemming from his 2022 campaign just two weeks before he was slated to stand trial. He now faces prison time and the enduring legacy of his many – all ultimately pointless – lies.  We’ll stay tuned for the likely Netflix special. Or maybe we won’t. Truthfully, we’ve already heard more than enough. 

Daniel McCoy -

If you’re a politician trying to swindle a customer service favor by pulling a “do you know who I am?” and the answer is Albany county executive – you’ve made a wrong turn somewhere. Dan McCoy learned that lesson the hard way this week as he reportedly tried – and failed – to invoke his position to board a flight that has already finished boarding. Shockingly, the American Airlines representative did not recognize McCoy’s celebrity status.

Elise Stefanik -

Every winning streak has to come to an end, and that time has come Rep. Elise Stefanik. She was riding high the resignations or firings of some high-profile Ivy League presidents, but that ride ended with her attempt to scrap early mail voting in New York. The state’s highest court ruled that the new mail-voting system is legal despite the best arguments of Stefanik. Republicans have managed some court victories in the past when they’ve challenged Democratic policy, but it was not meant to be for Stefanik.