Eric Adams

People who would’ve been on Eric Adams’ haters list

Even though City Hall said it didn’t have the list, we have a few ideas of who likely would’ve made the cut.

New York City Mayor Eric Adams talked about his list of haters, but a records request turned up no documents.

New York City Mayor Eric Adams talked about his list of haters, but a records request turned up no documents. Ed Reed/Mayoral Photography Office

In October, New York City Mayor Eric Adams told reporters that he keeps a list of his haters. “I have a list in my office that, no matter what we do, the same names pop up all the time” to criticize him, he said. But when City & State intern Kyle Chouinard filed a Freedom of Information Law request for the list, a City Hall records officer informed him that “after conducting a diligent search, the Mayor’s Office has not found any records responsive to your request under FOIL.” Not to worry, though. City & State conducted an even more diligent search of the mayor’s office and discovered a copy of the mayor’s handwritten list underneath a stack of papers. Here is the mayor’s unabridged list of haters.

Haters List  Brad Lander – I’m not taking advice from the loudest person in the city.  Lincoln Restler – I’m putting his commissioner meeting requests in the circular file. Oops!  Zellnor Myrie – He wants to run on competency? You can’t get more competent than K5, and I’m the guy who got that robot!  Jumaane Williams – Must be nice to live in a fort, completely protected from the rats trying to take over the city.  Olayemi Olurin – “The Breakfast Club” wasn’t as fun as it appeared in the movie.  Tiffany Cabán – My cops are doing a great job! You can’t please some people.  Curtis Sliwa – Bozo. Clown. Undisciplined.  Adrienne Adams – Stop overriding my vetoes! I thought we were cool.  Albert Fox Cahn – How do I get reporters to stop calling this guy?  Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez – She wishes she was as popular as Eric is at Zero Bond.  Rats – I’ve told them so many times, they don’t run this city. They need to get with the program.