New York City

Same name, very different New York pols

People in New York's political arena who share the same name.

A father naming his son after himself suggests tradition, pride, a desire for immortality – and it doesn’t hurt at the ballot box. Just ask the Peter Vallones, the José Serranos, the Rubén Díazes or all three Robert F. Wagners. But having someone else in the political arena, unrelated to you, share your name? That’s just annoying. Here’s a handy guide of who’s who and which is which.

Geoff Berman

Geoff Berman and Geoff Berman
Photo courtesy U.S. Attorney's Office; Twitter

[L] Trump-appointed U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York.
[R] Cuomo-approved executive director of the New York state Democratic Party.

Charles Barron

Charles Barron and Charles Barron
Photos by City & State; Ali Garber

[L] Brooklyn assemblyman.
[R] Deputy chief medical officer of New York City Health + Hospitals.

Pat Lynch

Pat Lynch and Pat Lynch
Photo courtesy Facebook; by a katz/Shutterstock

[L] Albany lobbyist who profited off ties to Sheldon Silver.
[R] NYPD union boss who profits off antagonism to de Blasio.

Bill O'Reilly

Bill O'Reilly and Bill O'Reilly
Photos courtesy World Affairs Council of Philadelphia; Twitter

[L] Disgraced conservative political commentator.
[R] Conservative political consultant and campaign manager.

Joel Rivera

Joel Rivera and Joel Rivera
Photos courtesy Patrick Cashin/MTA; Facebook

[L] Bronx city councilman, who represented District 15 from 2001 through 2013.
[R] Bronx City Council candidate, who ran for District 15 in 2013.

And a few more ...

Margaret Chin

Manhattan city councilwoman, whose district includes Stuyvesant H.S.

Hunter College sociologist, writing recently about Stuyvesant H.S.

Colin Campbell

Managing editor at Yahoo News, specializing in Brooklyn politics.

Consultant at Deloitte specializing in New York securities law.

Jon Campbell

Reporter, formerly of the Village Voice, focusing on New York criminal justice.

Reporter, currently of Gannett’s New York newspapers, focusing on state politics.

Frank Morano

Staten Island-based Reform Party political operative and radio host.

Staten Island Community Board 3 chairman.

Stephen Miller

Senior policy adviser to President Donald Trump.

Public transportation advocate and journalist.

Conservative political commentator for Fox News.

NEXT STORY: Who's up and who's down this week?