Andrew Cuomo

Buzz: State of the State calendar headache

The buzz about Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s upcoming State of the State address is more about its potential date – Jan. 3 – than any Assembly member boycotting it or interrupting him. “If the guv does it on the 3rd, it’s bad news for me,” said the insider political player and bochinchero. “I have interests in the (New York) City Council speaker’s race and who gets it is crucial for me.”

It appears the governor has chosen to do his re-election year address during the first week of 2018, and if it’s on the the same day as the vote for the City Council speaker, then it’s a dolor de cabeza for people who want to be in the room when it happens. That’s enough for Cuomo to not only do it on the same day, but at the same hora! And then he’ll take attendance. Just sayin’.

Bochinche & Buzz is Gerson Borrero's weekly column of exclusive scoops and insider gossip. Remember, gente, it's all bochinche until it's confirmed.

NEXT STORY: Winners & Losers 12/1/17