Health Care


Opinion: Medical aid in dying is a long overdue human right for New Yorkers

Terminally ill patients deserve the right to decide to end their suffering on their own terms and timeline.



Editor’s Note: New York City journalists boldly take a stand and keep their seats

Reporters at the Daily News staged a one-day strike over cost-cutting, while other reporters at a City Hall press conference ignored an attempt to make them stand.



Opinion: Major oil, gas and coal companies must pay the staggering costs of the climate crisis

A call for including the Climate Change Superfund Act in this year’s state budget after “the worst” flooding since Superstorm Sandy recently hit Long Island’s South Shore.



Opinion: We can still make progress on housing affordability in 2024

Here’s legislation that can remove major hurdles to producing mixed income development and avoids further concentrating poverty.

Editor's Note


Editor’s note: Hornell is no longer overlooked as America’s high-speed rail manufacturing home

The tiny town in the Southern Tier is on a comeback building next-generation Acela trains as well as other trains for transportation systems across the country.



OPINION: Serving justice while limiting the collateral damage

Here’s why the Child Victims Act poses an unintended threat to nonprofits serving New York’s child welfare system and what can be done.



Opinion: Latinos make up 22% of new hires within Adams administration, 2% more than de Blasio, but it’s not enough

City Hall’s latest workforce report filed with the federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission shows how a historical hiring bias has been slow to reverse.



Editor’s note: A safety concern on the Manhattan side of the Brooklyn Bridge is allowed to continue

Vendors were kicked off the bridge because they blocked pedestrians, however, anyone exiting on Centre Street has to dodge bicyclists on a shared path called the “porkchop.”



Opinion: Hochul, meet with the grieving families before you act

The governor has an opportunity to put patient safety above special interests.



Commentary: A look at the new New York City Department of Correction Commissioner’s attempts at transparency show slow to no progress

Lynelle Maginley-Liddie, previously the first deputy commissioner of the department, made tall promises to the Board of Correction that she didn’t deliver on.



Commentary: New York is to blame for Donald Trump

Both the city and state, governed largely by Democrats, set the stage so that a rich, white man could be rewarded for shamelessness, dishonesty and criminality.



OPINION: How New York state can support migrants now

Pass the Access to Representation Act to establish the statewide right to a lawyer in immigration court



Opinion: Light at the end of the tunnel for New York’s redistricting

Here’s what to expect following the latest Court of Appeals decision on redistricting.



Opinion: It’s time for New York to consider reparations

New York legislators have passed a bill to establish the state's first reparations commission. Gov. Kathy Hochul should sign it.

Andrew Cuomo


Commentary: It’s too early to anoint Cuomo the next mayor

He’d struggle in ranked-choice voting. Campaign finance laws would prevent him from transferring his war chest into a mayoral campaign. And he doesn’t even live in New York City.



Opinion: New York City must lead boldly on AI

The technology could be a huge economic boon to New York, but it also poses serious potential threats to our city.