New York City’s agency dedicated to funding arts and cultural initiatives was already facing a 8% budget reduction thanks to the pandemic – and even more cuts could be in store for the future, according to a new report.
The city’s preliminary budget for the next fiscal year has set aside $144.2 million for the Department of Cultural Affairs, compared with $193.1 million during the current fiscal year. That amount regularly increases once the upcoming budget is adopted, however, according to the analysis from the New York City Independent Budget Office.
It’s not the only factor that makes the agency’s budget outlook more optimistic. The latest COVID-19 relief package approved by President Joseph Biden yesterday includes about $6 billion in aid for New York City, which could help bypass or mitigate cuts to the budget. It also allocates $470 million for cultural organizations nationwide and has additional funding for the Shuttered Venue Operators Grant, which supports performing arts and music venues,
For now, the preliminary budget makes some of its most significant cuts for the next year by reducing funds for CreateNYC, an initiative aimed at improving diversity in the city’s cultural programs, according to the report. The last executive budget already decreased its funding by $3.4 million for fiscal year 2021, which ended up pushing off a study on demographics among cultural workers and a pilot program to help organizations with capital projects.
NEXT STORY: What the latest COVID-19 relief package has in store for nonprofits