
The latest from Denham Wolf ... United Way ... National Council of Nonprofits

IRS headquarters in Washington, D.C.

IRS headquarters in Washington, D.C. Leonid Andronov/ Shutterstock

Nominations are being accepted for the 15th annual Michael H. Urbach CPA Community Builders Award. The award honors certified public accountants who demonstrate leadership in community-based charities. To be eligible, a candidate must have served as an officer for at least three different 501(c)(3) community-based nonprofits with at least one term as president of chair of an organization. Candidates must also have a track record of significant impact on an organization, such as leading a financial turnaround, growth or an organizational restructuring, according to a press release from the New York Council of Nonprofits, which organizes the awards along with the New York State Society of Certified Public Accountants.  

Nominations will be accepted here until Aug. 31.


Denham Wolf Real Estate Service has named Kate Van Tassel as director of development services. She most recently worked at the New York City Economic Development Corporation and has a decade of project management experience in the real estate industry, according to an Aug. 20 press release. She will lead real estate development opportunities for city nonprofits in her new position at Denham Wolf.

“Her active engagement with local real estate development and the nonprofit sector will strengthen Denham Wolf’s reach and enhance our capacity for positive community impact,” said Jonathan Denham, co-president of Denham Wolf, in the press release.


SCO Family of Services has received a new $14.8 million contract renewal from the New York City Administration for Children’s Services. The money will fund non-secure placement services for juvenile offenders, according to the City Record. Sauti Yetu Center for African Women will provide services to African immigrant families, per a $100,000 contract with the city Department of Social Services/Human Resources Administration.


There’s a new new chief financial officer and senior vice president at United Way of New York City. Gina Goodenow will be the first woman to assume those roles, where she will oversee all financial functions of the nonprofit, according to an Aug. 14 press release. She joined the organization in 2016 as vice president and controller of finance.


A new study finds better outcomes for children who stayed with their families rather than entering foster care. The study comes from Finland, where researchers tracked about 60,000 children who were born in 1987. By ages 18-25 years old, the effect of care was evident, according to the study.

“Preschool children who are placed out-of-home are at risk of adverse outcomes as adults, even accounting for their initial circumstances. It is important to explore which conditions lead to more or less favourable outcomes in child protection,” reads a synopsis of the study.

The NCCPR Child Welfare Blog has its own take of the study and what it means for care providers in the U.S. Read it here.


The National Council of Nonprofits says the Internal Revenue Service is not listening. An Aug. 20 email from the organization says a new Priority Guidance issued by the department has signaled that the agency does not consider a 21-percent tax on nonprofit transportation benefits a high enough priority – a result of the tax law enacted in December.  

“Scores of organizations have submitted substantive comments to the government expressing confusion and raising questions about how the new taxes on nonprofit business operations and transportation benefits should be interpreted,” reads the email from the council. “Many more have submitted short statements to the IRS urging delay in implementation of the taxes until one year after the government promulgates Final Rules that provide needed clarity.”

The council wants like-minded organization to submit comments here, and include “Form 990-T” in the line”Form/Instruction/Publication Number.”

Read the Priority Guidance below:


Send your press releases, photos, and word of your latest happenings to editor Zach Williams at