
The latest from NYU Furman Center ... Marks Paneth ... Lincoln Center

NYU Furman Center has released a new report on the state of affordable housing in New York City.

NYU Furman Center has released a new report on the state of affordable housing in New York City. Shutterstock

The NYU Furman Center has a new brief on the state of subsidized housing in New York City. This includes reviews of affordable housing programs and data on how subsidies and incentives have benefitted specific properties in 2017. Here are a few key takeaways.

  • Of the 2,663 properties in the city with HUD and Mitchell-Lama subsidies in 2017, 11 percent are eligible to expire out of affordability restrictions by 2023.
  • About 73 percent  of the properties eligible to expire out by 2023 are in Brooklyn and Manhattan.
  • Between now and 2033, Manhattan has 454 properties with expiring subsidies while Brooklyn has 433.

Read the full report here.


Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts is looking for applicants to its Cultural Innovation Fund. The goal is to increase cultural offerings in south and central Brooklyn, according to a July 2 press release.

Successful applicants will receive a one-year grant of up to $100,000. They are required to submit letters of inquiry describing their projects by Aug. 1, 2018. Finalists will be invited to submit full proposals on Sept. 7 by an Oct. 5 deadline, according to the press release. More information is available here.


Read Alliance has a new executive director. Danielle Guindo will assume the position on July 11, according to a press release from the 18-year-old nonprofit’s board of directors. Guindo most recently worked as chief program officer at YWCA Brooklyn. She has also served as vice president for programs and policy at The Committee for Hispanic Children and Families.


New York Legal Assistance Group has received a $440,000 contract with the New York City Department of Social Services/Human Resources Administration, retroactively applied to the end of the fiscal year that ended June 30, according to the City Record.

The district attorney in Staten Island is looking for applicants who want to provide diversion programs for individuals. “The program is for prison-bound non-violent offenders whose substance abuse has brought them into contact with the Court system, and has demonstrated its ability to reduce the use of incarceration while maintaining public safety,” according to the City Record.


Marks Paneth has a new tax director in the firm’s Nonprofit, Government and Healthcare Group. Magdalena Czerniawski previously worked as a senior tax manager in the nonprofit practice of a national accounting firm, according to a June 28 press release.


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