A coalition of nonprofits and elected leaders rallied in front of City Hall in Manhattan on April 30 in protest of proposed cuts to federal social programs. This Twitter moment features highlights from the event, which featured representatives from groups such as FPWA, Safe Horizon, the Chinese-American Planning Council, Human Services Council, Met Council, Coalition for the Homeless and other organizations. Among the top issues being addressed were proposals to slash SNAP as part of a broader scheme to undermine the social safety net. Congresswoman Nydia Velazquez and New York City Councilman Carlos Menchaca were among the elected officials who spoke at the event.
The Coalition for the Homeless and more than 40 other groups have sent a letter to New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, calling on him to dedicate 30,000 units – some 10 percent – of his housing plan to homeless New Yorkers. Currently, five percent of the 300,000 units in the Housing New York 2.0 plan are earmarked for the homeless.
The latest newsletter on value-based care from Human Services Council is out. The issue features a recent report on integrating health and human services, details on HSC’s recent comment to the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene on Medicaid redesign, and other updates on a wide range of local, state and federal issues and developments affecting human services nonprofits.
One nonprofit has two new contracts with New York City. NYC Gay and Lesbian Anti-Violence Project has scored a $142,000 contract with the Department of Social Services/Human Resources Administration, according to The City Record. The money will fund the provision of “direct client assistance, hotline and outreach to LGBTQ and HIV-affected victims of violence.” Another contract will fund $1.57 million worth of non-residential domestic violence services over a three-year period, according to The City Record.
Send your press releases, photos, and word of your latest happenings to reporter Zach Williams at zwilliams@nynmedia.com.
NEXT STORY: We need the city’s help to connect harder-to-reach youth to economic opportunities