
NYN Media Buzz: Jan. 2, 2018

Illustration by Zach Williams/ NYN Media

St. Catherine’s Center for Children stayed busy over the holiday season with a slate of fundraisers. A Christmas Cabaret raised $3,000 for the Albany-based nonprofit, and the Albany County Bar Association followed up a donation of dozens of toy bags with a $6,000 grant to help a respite program for troubled youth. A huge party also resulted for kids who received toys and visit from Santa Claus, courtesy of a $7,000 contribution from the Francella Foundation.


Brooklyn-based Girl Be Heard touted some praise via Twitter from Gov. Andrew Cuomo. He sent a congratulations letter to the group in recognition of it being named a finalist for the New York Community Trust Nonprofit Excellence Award. “Your organization’s efficient and effective management practices in carrying out its commendable work are recognized as an example of success among the nonprofit community,” Cuomo wrote.


Nonprofit leaders planned to join Manhattan District Attorney Cy Vance in urging Cuomo today to help pass the Child Victims Act. Lourdes Rosa-Carrassquillo, director of policy at the Center for Independence of the Disabled New York, and Bridie Farrell, co-founder of New York Loves Kids, planned to appear alongside elected leaders and public officials at the Fearless Girl statue that faces the Charging Bull sculpture. The Child Victims Act passed the Assembly last year but did not make it to the state Senate floor. It includes the following provisions:

  • Increase the criminal statute of limitations from the age of 23 to 29
  • Increase the civil statute of limitations from 23 to 50
  • Remove special protections for public institutions
  • Create a one-year “look-back window” that would allow survivors over the age of 23 to seek retrospective civil action