
What’s Barron up to at Cuomo’s SOS?

I’m hearing buzz about what Assemblyman Charles Barron is planning to do to raise his objections to Gov. Andrew Cuomo at the governor’s State of the State show on Jan. 3.

“He’s trying to get other members to be bold,” is what a source inside the belly of the Albany monster told B&B.

Barron is credited with having been the reason Cuomo took his 2017 State of the State on the road. “I don’t think Charles is going to disrupt the governor,” an elected bochinchero said. Word is that Barron is “busting our balls asking us what we’re going to do to let Cuomo know our displeasure,” the legislator bochinchero said. Barron is putting pressure on the Black, Puerto Rican, Hispanic & Asian Legislative Caucus to either interrupt the guv or just boycott the event. “I don’t think Cuomo has to worry about Charles,” the same bochinchero said. “I expect him to boycott the SOS.” I don’t think the governor is really worried.

Bochinche & Buzz is Gerson Borrero's weekly column of exclusive scoops and insider gossip. Remember, gente, it's all bochinche until it's confirmed.