These’ll take you back.
Every day, we scour Twitter for the very best tweet to include in First Read Tonight. There are always a ton to choose from, but we’re strict about it – we only select one per day.
Take a look back at 2017 with our 10 favorite political tweets of the year.
RELATED: What the covfefe happened to political discourse?
March 14
#NOW #ESU #Truck5 assists the @NYPD123Pct in wrangling in these runaway ponies in #StatenIsland. Ponies were safely returned to their owners
— NYPD Special Ops (@NYPDSpecialops) March 14, 2017
April 17
19th Century New Yorkers With Silly Names, Ranked
— Jon Campbell (@j0ncampbell) April 17, 2017
1. Prosper M. Wetmore
2. Preserved Fish
3. Enos T. Throop
4. Effingham Warner
May 30
I'd vote for the reanimated corpse of Attila the Hun himself if he'd fix the current state of the NYC subways.
— Chris Hayes (@chrislhayes) May 30, 2017
June 8
As @Beyonce may say:
— Daniel Squadron (@DanielSquadron) June 8, 2017
If you liked it’s cause you're profiteering on it
And you liked it cause you got cha-ching on it
RELATED: The biggest Winners & Losers of 2017
July 18
Who in Andrew Cuomo's re-election campaign spent $90 at Crocs? And... why?
— Nick Reisman (@NickReisman) July 18, 2017
July 27
Midday on the @NYCTSubway. Guy walks onto a train with this.
— Matthew Chayes (@chayesmatthew) July 27, 2017
Aug. 7
Fun prediction: Gov will intro congestion pricing; powerpoint will explain policy w/ example of driving to/from BK every AM to go to the gym
— Jamison Dague (@JamisonDague) August 7, 2017
RELATED: City & State's top op-eds of 2017
Oct. 17
I'm seeing a real lack of hot takes about how the cow in Prospect Park is somehow related to @BilldeBlasio's commitment to the Park Slope Y.
— erica orden (@eorden) October 17, 2017
Nov. 21
“Point at him! Shame on you, shame on you!” - Bill de Blasio yelling at a building.
— Gloria Pazmino (@GloriaPazmino) November 21, 2017
Dec. 11
People outside of NYC: TERRORISM!!!!!
— Kashana (@kashanacauley) December 11, 2017
New Yorkers: Dude’s a loser with a crappy bomb who’s crowning life achievement is making my train 36 minutes late.
NEXT STORY: This Week’s Headlines: A Christmas tax cut and end-of-year shakeups