On Tuesday, voters in Alabama will go to the polls to vote in a special election pitting Democrat Doug Jones against Roy Moore, the Republican nominee who has been embroiled in allegations of sexual misconduct.
While many commentators have focused on the deeply conservative state’s racial politics – Jones’ chances likely hinge on a strong turnout by and support from African-Americans in the state – some see another force at play as well.
Christina Greer, a political science professor at Fordham University, suggested that criticism of U.S. Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer by Moore supporters reflects a current of anti-Semitism in the country.
“Obviously there’s a black-white dynamic in Alabama that most people are aware of, but there’s also something undergirding that as well,” said Greer, who joined the Slant podcast on Monday. “It’s like, well, do you want Chuck Schumer to be in charge of the Senate?”
Greer, who spoke with City & State Editor-at-Large Gerson Borrero, also cast blame on the Democratic Party for its longstanding lack of investment in places like Alabama.
During the podcast, Greer and Borrero also touched the pipe bomb attack in Manhattan on Monday and the race for New York City council speaker.
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NEXT STORY: How Albany bent over backwards to help one of NYC’s “worst landlords”