Four years ago, New York City Councilwoman Melissa Mark-Viverito capitalized on the support of Mayor Bill de Blasio in her successful bid to become council speaker.
This time around, it's an open question whether the mayor's backing will help or hurt – and it's reflected in what the candidates are saying about de Blasio on social media.
Global Strategy Group's latest analysis of the council speaker candidates' Twitter trends shows City Councilman Corey Johnson, a frontrunner for the leadership post, had the most praise for the mayor, posting half a dozen positive tweets about de Blasio over the last two weeks, including several tied to the election. At the other end of the spectrum, another perceived frontrunner, City Councilman Mark Levine, seemed to be distancing himself from de Blasio.
RELATED: Who was trending Sept. 15-28
RELATED: Who was trending Sept. 29-Oct. 12
RELATED: Who was trending Oct. 13-27
Here's a closer look at what the other candidates were tweeting about the mayor, as well as who was getting the most follows and retweets.
(Click here to view larger)
NEXT STORY: NYN Media Buzz: Nov. 14, 2017