According to seasoned political bochincheros, Joe Crowley will be crowning the next New York City Council speaker. Yeah, we’ve heard that. But you haven't heard this: “He’s got 26 votes already, Gerson,” a deep throat bochinchero told me.
I asked for more details. “He has commitments from that many to go with his choice,” was the response. The bochinchero added that “aside from the Bronx working with him and fully committed, Crowley’s got some of the Brooklyn council members with him.”
RELATED: What each City Council speaker candidate would do first
The conversation went into further details, including the additional firepower that the Queens Democratic leader has in his corner: “De Blasio is not being listened to by many. His alliance with (Brooklyn Democratic County Leader Frank) Seddio in 2013 in making the deal for Melissa (Mark-Viverito) makes him toast this time around.” The additional firepower for Crowley is his ranking fourth among Democrats in Washington, D.C., and the buzz about the congressman possibly becoming House speaker after Nancy Pelosi retires and the Dems eventually capture a majority in the House.
RELATED: De Blasio and Mark-Viverito's silent support for Levine
I pointed out that other players like the unions also weigh in on the process. “You can bet that they’re going to side with Crowley. They already got what they needed from de Blasio. As far as they’re concerned, he's a lame duck,” said the bochinchero.
I’m not sure about that.
Bochinche & Buzz is Gerson Borrero's weekly column of exclusive scoops and insider gossip. Remember gente, it's all bochinche until it's confirmed.
NEXT STORY: What each New York City Council speaker candidate would do first