
Rodriguez, Levine and Williams #trending in the NYC Council speaker's race

New York City Councilman Ydanis Rodriguez may not be the frontrunner in the speakership race, but he has been outpacing the field on social media.

Over the past two weeks, Rodriguez had 2,866 mentions on Twitter, according to an analysis by Global Strategy Group. That’s well ahead of City Councilman Ritchie Torres, who was in second place with 1,668 mentions in the two-week period spanning Oct. 13-26. Rodriguez also led the pack the previous four weeks. 

RELATED: Who was trending Sept. 15-28

The candidate with the most retweeted tweet once again was Councilman Mark Levine. Levine, who seems to have a knack for crafting tweets that strike a nerve, posted a link to an MSNBC clip of current Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito criticizing President Donald Trump’s storm response in Puerto Rico.

City Councilman Jumaane Williams maintained the lead in total Twitter followers with just over 18,000, and the Brooklyn lawmaker added to his following at a faster clip than his rivals in recent weeks.

Williams also was the only candidate with a tweet critical of Mayor Bill de Blasio, while Councilman Jimmy Van Bramer stood out for a half a dozen positive tweets about the mayor, more than any of the other seven candidates.

RELATED: Who was trending Sept. 29-Oct. 12

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City Council Speaker trending graphic by Global Strategy Group