
Week In Review: Sept. 29, 2017

Because you’re all busy and may not have reigned in that ever-expanding inbox, on Fridays we’ll highlight the three stories that got the most attention in our newsletter this week and two of the most popular original articles from our website.

* The biggest problem with star-studded galas is that they frequently fail to raise more money than they cost to throw or barely break even, many nonprofit experts find, the Washington Post writes. (Sept. 26)

* Because nonprofits are so dependent on wealthy donors for their continued operation, it might behoove them to know that Boomers, gen-Xers, and millennials are all prioritizing how they give a little differently, Fast Company writes. (Sept. 22)

* Yaro Fong-Olivares, an associate consultant at Community Resource Exchange, shares three personal practices she has found to be successful and sustainable while working to create a more racially equitable culture within nonprofits. (Sept. 22)

From NYN Media:

* Gov. Andrew Cuomo should sign a bill to expand the Kinship Guardianship Assistance Program, which would benefit foster care providers by supporting the agility and innovation needed to create the stability that young people need, writes Keturah Pierre, senior vice president of community services at JCCA.

* In our latest front-line hero feature, we profile Theory Thompson who is the director of director of Good Shepherd Services’ LifeLink program, which gives inner-city students the tools to pursue higher education.