Gareth Rhodes, one of a number of Democratic challengers seeking to make Republican Rep. John Faso a one-term congressman, is holding a fundraiser in Manhattan on Monday evening hosted by LGBT leaders. Christine Quinn, the former speaker of the New York City Council, will introduce Rhodes at the event, which is scheduled to start at 6 p.m. at Elmo Restaurant in Manhattan.
Rhodes has touted his service in the Cuomo administration and its successful push to pass a law legalizing same-sex marriage in New York. Among the other hosts are Brian Ellner, an Edelman executive who fought for same-sex marriage in New York and nationally, and Emily Giske, a top lobbyist at Bolton-St. Johns. Rhodes, a native of Faso’s Hudson Valley district, is one of at least eight Democrats in the race. He has raised nearly $135,000, according to the latest Federal Election Commission filings, trailing Faso and three other Democrats in the race. Rhodes has made headlines for holding a recent fundraiser in Faso’s hometown and for garnering support from former Obama aides and fellow Cuomo veterans.
NEXT STORY: Front-Line Hero: Theory Thompson, LifeLink Program Director, Good Shepherd Services