
NYN Media Insights Podcast on Harnessing New York City Agencies' Data to Meet the City’s Needs

Funding from various city agencies often comes together to support the efforts of a single program offered by a nonprofit. So if you want to know how that program is really doing, you’re going to need an entity that can collect data across all of those agencies to give you a holistic view.

Maryanne Schretzman, CEO of The Center for Innovation through Data Intelligence talked with us about how CIDI has worked with nonprofits such as Good Shepherd Services, produces reports assessing things like Housing Trajectories of Transition-Age Youth and tells us a bit about her boss, Dr. Herminia Palacio.

New York Nonprofit Media regularly interviews nonprofit leaders to discuss their professional experience, lessons learned, perspectives on the industry and more.To recommend a candidate contact Dan Rosenblum at

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