
This Week’s Headlines: Cuomo lights up and Greenfield steps down

Mo’ money, mo’ problems

Campaign filing reports released on Tuesday showed that Gov. Andrew Cuomo raised more than $5 million during the past six months for his re-election campaign, with $25 million in cash on hand. But he also faced some bad news – a new Siena College poll showed that recent MTA issues have led to his favorability ratings taking a dive (off a bridge with LED lights, perhaps).

Greenfield on to greener pastures

David Greenfield playing basketball

(William Alatriste / New York City Council)

New York City Councilman David Greenfield unexpectedly announced he would not run for re-election – just after the deadline for filing petitions for the Democratic primary. Some good government advocates declared this move an elaborate ruse to allow the councilman to handpick his successor – ally Kalman Yeger, who was tapped by a committee controlled by Greenfield. Greenfield denies this, insisting that he began negotiating his new gig, as executive director and CEO of the Metropolitan Council on Jewish Poverty, only two weeks earlier. The real reason for his departure may not be “House of Cards”-style political machinations, but simple math. Greenfield’s fundraising numbers have taken a dive during the past year.

New York City Council passes Right to Counsel

New York City Council chambers

(Felix Lipov / Shutterstock)

The New York City Council met for a stated meeting Thursday and decided on several important bills. One established the right to full legal representation for low-income people facing eviction. There was also a vote on rules for muni-meter installation. Never let anyone tell you local government isn’t interesting.

The seven-year hitch

heart monitor flatline


After promising an Obamacare repeal for seven years, and using that promise to rise to power, U.S. Senate Republicans failed to seal the deal. A bill to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act failed after four senators announced their opposition on Monday. New York Democrats had railed against the bill, which notably included an amendment by Reps. Chris Collins and John Faso shifting the cost of Medicaid from counties to the state.