
Cuomo taps 5 Latinos out of 108 appointments

Gov. Andrew Cuomo often talks passionately of inclusion. The slogan, “Excelsior: Ever Upward,” is imprinted on everything under his fiefdom. And yet several bochincheros – all Democrats – are not feeling part of the New York familia. One sore point for those loyal Dems is that out of the 108 appointments that Cuomo submitted for state Senate confirmation by June 21, only five are Latinos. The five are: Secretary of State Rossana Rosado to the Port Authority board; Guillermo Linares, to become president and CEO of the Higher Education Services Corp.; Denise Miranda, to become executive director of the Justice Center; Cesar Perales to the SUNY board of directors; and Fernando Ferrer, for reappointment to the Metropolitan Transportation Authority board.

“Este tipo nos sigue jodiendo,” (this guy keeps screwing us) an angry bochinchero assemblyman expressed to B&B. If the anger among Latino legislators was heard outside closed doors, the ambitious politico would not look as bueno as he has in recent polls. Another bochinchero, who’s an ally of the governor, was asked why not speak up publicly: “The truth is there are a few among us who are so up Cuomo’s ass that they think talking to him in private is the best way.” I asked: “You mean begging de rodillas?” (on your knees) The assemblyman responded, “You have a way with words.” So, who’s to blame? The governor or the submissive Latinos in Albany?

RELATED: What will Cuomo's puertorriqueños do?

Who wants MMV’s endorsement?

B&B has spoken to the contenders directly or to a bochinchero close to one of the handful of wannabes that have expressed desire to be the next speaker of the New York City Council. To be clear, current City Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito has not indicated if she would endorse any of her colleagues. Pero, at this juncture there doesn't appear to be a desire for her nod. “She’s toxic right now,” was one bochinchero’s opinion. “The Oscar López Rivera thing has ended her relevance for my guy,” expressed an insider bochinchero who is aligned with one of the three Manhattan Democrats vying for the position. “Are you kidding?” asked an outer-borough contender. “The papers would have a field day.” These expressions were gathered in the past week, and while there’s still time for a change of heart or political need regarding MMV’s support, right now, it doesn’t look like anyone wants Melissa’s endorsement. Let’s see what, if anything, they say for attribution.

Looking for new Democratic borough leaders?

The buzz can be heard from Queens and Manhattan Democrats who opine that their county organizations need some sangre nueva (new blood). Bochincheros are telling B&B that it’s time for Rep. Joe Crowley to make room for another person to lead the Queens Democrats. “There’s a lot happening in D.C. and Joe should let someone who’s in the trenches here lead us,” opined a Queens Democrat, who would not share the identity of his preferred candidate. In Manhattan, the gripe against Keith Wright is that “he’s out of elective office and he’s not coming back.”

I told the bochinchero that’s not a reason to want Keith to give it up. “He’s never been a good administrator,” the source responded. When asked how many felt like he did, the West Side liberal responded: “There’s a lot of us.” OK. I can’t wait to report on when they’ll announce their campaign to oust Keith on the record and not bochinchando about a coup d’état.