Does Flanagan have a problem?
The buzz is that state Senate Majority Leader John Flanagan has a problem brewing within his Republican conference that could threaten his stewardship. “Just talk,” is what one Republican bochinchero told B&B. There appears to be a lot of frustration since the budget is not done. Two bochincheros opined, “Flanagan’s leadership is not threatened.” However, not everyone thinks it’s “Kumbaya” time for Senate Republicans. “Flanagan has a problem as long as restive upstate Republicans believe they have a champion in John DeFrancisco.” At least one other bochinchero thought that this “problem” with DeFrancisco, the deputy majority leader from Syracuse, would grow.
RELATED: The Winners & Losers from the 2017-18 state budget agreement
Who’s snitching to Cuomo?
Forget about the out of control horse-trading and dealmaking in the Albany budget negotiations circo. Who the hell is Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s snitch inside the Assembly Democratic conference? That’s the bochinche that had me working overtime on this column. (We blame NY1’s Zack Fink, who first reported on Cuomo’s mole, for putting us on this trail). There are five possible culprits: three from upstate and two from downstate. Rochester, the Bronx and Brooklyn are represented in the list we’ve compiled. We know you want their nombres, but B&B has decided not to publish the five names. As much as we trust our sources, we ran up against our deadline and don’t have the snitch pegged. Stay pendiente.
Oy vey … they’re not feliz with Crowley
The buzz is that there are some very angry Jewish politicos in Queens fed up with Joe Crowley’s leadership of the Queens County Democratic Party. The bochinche is that there haven't been enough attorneys elected to the bench for Civil Court and Supreme Court judgeships. “We heard progressives were also not happy,” a Crowley bochinchero reminded B&B. We were also reminded of the prominence Crowley has gained in Washington, D.C., and felt that fighting President Donald Trump is bigger than a lot of these local skirmishes. Tell that to the Jewish insiders who are talking about running candidates for district leaders against Crowley’s bunch. The bochinchero said, “What can I tell you? In a democracy you can actually challenge incumbents.” He didn't seem worried at all about creating aggravation for his amigo Crowley, and he hung up. This could get very heated pronto.
Not going back to vote ‘no’
State Sen. Rubén Díaz isn’t going back to Albany to vote against whatever budget agreement is hashed out by the four hombres in the room. Díaz tore into his Senate colleagues last week in the chamber for not keeping their word to not vote for the budget unless the Raise the Age bill was included. He released a video that begins with Díaz saying that he’s from the old school and he keeps his word. According to “el bochinchero major” in the Bronx, the polemic politico is already in campaign mode. Díaz will formally announce either Monday or Tuesday – probably via press release – his candidacy for the New York City Council’s 18th District. Annabel Palma, who is term-limited, currently holds the seat.
NEXT STORY: Does Flanagan have a problem? And who's snitching to Cuomo?