
Peter King’s speech: Time to unite around Trump

Rep. Peter King offered support for Donald Trump, the newly-anointed Republican nominee for president, while attacking Trump’s last opponent – U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz – and his next one, presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton.

King, who had been hesitant to endorse the New York City real estate mogul during the primary process, told the crowd that the party now needs to unite behind their candidate, who he described as loyal.

“The fact is, he’s the nominee,” King told New York’s delegation to the Republican National Convention in Cleveland on Thursday morning.

On that note, King turned his attention to Cruz, who refused to support Trump during his floor speech Wednesday night and was booed after exhorting the convention delegates to “vote their conscience” instead.

“He’s a fraud, he’s a liar,” the Long Island congressman said of Cruz, prompting a standing ovation by the New York delegates. “He’s a man we’ve come to hate.”

Looking to the general election battle ahead, King claimed that Clinton is someone who sympathizes with criminals and terrorists, saying that she, as well as President Barack Obama, try to rationalize the behavior of those groups.

“There is no moral equivalency between the men and women in blue and those who riot and demonstrate,” he said.

King concluded by saying that while he doesn’t agree with Trump on all issues, on the “key moral issues” he and Trump are in agreement.

“I’m proud to stand with Donald Trump and I’m proud to stand with all of you,” he said.