March is Women’s History Month, and I’m deeply conflicted about what that means. So to mark the occasion, I wanted to grapple with it by exploring the limits and merits of this kind of “celebration.” Gender and race are complex, messy issues, and I find myself resisting any attempt to simplify them into neat little boxes. Does this kind of monthly designation help to advance the cause or hurt it?
I’ve thought a lot about the need for movement feminism to incorporate men better, and so this podcast features a gender balanced discussion between two men and two women: Ben Max, editor of Gotham Gazette; Azi Paybarah, senior political reporter at PoliticoNY; and Gloria Pazmino, City Hall reporter for PoliticoNY.
We’ve all got opinions, which shape shift throughout the course of the discussion, and we do not arrive at a firm conclusion. But perhaps that’s the point: complexity is something to strive for.
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NEXT STORY: Documenting the diaspora with Dr. Marta Moreno Vega