
Jeff Klein's wild ride

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  • Jan. 2, 2011
    Klein steps down as deputy leader of the state Senate Democratic conference, saying he can’t continue to support then-Senate Democratic Conference Leader John Sampson.
  • Jan. 5, 2011
    Klein and state Sens. David Valesky, David Carlucci and Diane Savino break away from the mainline Senate Democrats to form the Independent Democratic Conference.
  • Nov. 7, 2012
    Democrats are reported to have recaptured the state Senate with a slim majority.
  • Dec. 4, 2012
    Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelos and Klein announce a bipartisan governing coalition between the IDC and the GOP, ensuring a Republican-controlled state Senate. As co-leader, Klein will join the “three men in a room” meetings. Democratic state Sen. Malcolm Smith also joins the IDC.
    Jeff Klein
  • April 2, 2013
    Smith is arrested by the FBI on federal corruption charges.
  • April 14, 2013
    The IDC expels Smith because of his corruption charges.
  • Feb. 26, 2014
    State Sen. Tony Avella breaks away from the Democratic conference to join the IDC.
    Jeff Klein
  • June 25, 2014
    The IDC announces it will seek to share power with the state Senate Democrats after the November elections, potentially ending the power-sharing coalition with Republicans.
  • Nov. 4, 2014
    The state Senate Republicans pick up three new districts in the midterm elections, gaining the majority in the chamber. Klein loses his position as co-leader of the state Senate.
    Jeff Klein
  • Feb. 25, 2015
    Despite ending the power-sharing coalition with Skelos, Gov. Andrew Cuomo says he will include Klein in budget negotiations, angering state Senate Democrats.
  • May/June 2015
    Klein continues to participate in leaders meetings with newly elected state Senate Majority Leader John Flanagan.
  • Nov. 18, 2015
    A 2014 wiretapped conversation played during Skelos’ corruption trial shows Skelos told Klein he would retain the title of co-coalition leader, but would lose many of the powers he had the previous two years.
  • Nov. 23, 2015
    Klein says Skelos’ comments are not enough to end the IDC-GOP coalition.
  • Jan. 6, 2016
    The 2016 legislative session begins. It remains unclear whether Klein will be part of the leaders meetings with Cuomo, Flanagan and Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie – or which party he’ll side with during the fall elections.
    Jeff Klein