
Who do you think is New York City's most powerful politician?

It's that time of year again. City & State's annual New York City Power 100 list is always the subject of much debate and discussion. Inevitably, there will be many important individuals who were snubbed, ranked too low or too high. The brain trust involved in creating this list does not make these selections lightly. We reach out to a variety of political insiders to get a sense of what they were seeing, we consider pitches from all corners of government and we took any and all of the feedback we got with a grain of salt and a skeptical mind. 

So on the eve of the official release of the Power 100 list, we decided to let the people have their say. In the comment box below, tell us which New York City-based politician or individual you feel wields the most clout, whether by influencing policymaking, access to City Hall or your own criteria. We will pool the responses we get and announce the results at City & State's Power 100 Luncheon at the Capital Grille on Thursday. Make your case!

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