
Subway Ridership

Manhattan’s subways are packed to bursting. In 2014, riders entered Manhattan turnstiles over 3 million times on the average weekday – more than all the rest of the boroughs combined. The top 12 busiest subway stations in New York City are all in Manhattan. 

The MTA has several projects in the works to ease the squeeze. The first phase of the Second Avenue Subway plan – variations of which have been in the works on and off since the Roaring ’20s – is on track to be completed next year, and may alleviate some of the congestion on the East Side. But further phases of that project – and others like East Side Access and the 7 train extension – may be stopped in their tracks if the MTA can’t get funding for the rest of its $32 billion capital plan. So in the meantime, prepare to get cozy as you stand clear of the closing doors.

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Map created by Ben Pirotte