
Third Panel (Nonprofit Efficiency: Managing Risk, Overhead and Failure)

In December, we first learned about the fallout at FEGS and their devastating loss.   FEGS is definitely not the first and will unfortunately probably not be the last of its kind.  Most people in the industry were thinking things like, “Where was the board?”, “Where was the government?”, “How can this happen?” and “Can it happen again?”  Events like this have people closely looking at overhead, however, equally important, are other metrics of an organization such as the number of people served, the success of an organization’s efforts/results of nonprofit efforts, a nonprofit’s leadership, its transparency and its ability to effect a positive change in the community.


Gordon Campbell, Professor of Practice, NYU Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service

Neil J. Pollack, CEO/Executive Director, Anderson Center for Autism
Wayne Ho, Chief Program and Policy Officer, Federation of Protestant Welfare Agencies
Todd W. Polyniak, CPA, Founder, Fist to Five
Michelle Jackson, Associate Director & General Counsel for Human Services Council