
Former Bloomberg Commissioner Joins Fresh Air Fund

The Fresh Air Fund announced that Fatima A. Shama will succeed Jenny Morgenthau as Executive Director.

Shama currently serves as the vice president of strategic development and external affairs at Maimonides Medical Center in Brooklyn, New York. She was also the commissioner of the New York City Mayor’s Office of Immigrant Affairs for nearly five years, creating a how-to guide for helping cities improve their immigrant integration efforts called Blueprints for Immigration Integration. Shama held various other positions in the Bloomberg administration as well.


“Fatima is deeply committed to public service and she excelled at every position she held over her eight years in our administration," said former New York City Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg in a press release. "Whether she was working to improve healthcare access for limited English proficient New Yorkers, or to increase parental engagement in our schools, or to develop new ways to serve immigrant New Yorkers - and the programs she developed as our Commissioner of Immigrant Affairs became a national model - she never stopped thinking of how to better the lives of New Yorkers.”


William P. Lauder, chairman of The Fresh Air Fund's Board, said in a press release, "During her 32-year tenure Jenny continually strengthened The Fund’s mission and expanded its reach and influence to thousands of New York City children. Jenny leaves some very big shoes to fill, and she will be sorely missed.” He continued, “We look forward to the enthusiasm, deep expertise and commitment to community that Fatima will bring to this role.”


Shama will assume her responsibilities on July 15.