Among member agencies of United Neighborhood Houses, the umbrella association of 38 settlement houses and community centers in New York City, nearly half of our 38 executive directors are age 60 and over. Over the last five years, our small network has seen evidence of the much-discussed generational shift in leadership that has been predicted in the nonprofit human services field and in other industries. In 2013 alone, five executive directors from our system retired from their positions.
Cause for alarm? I don’t think so. Over the last several years we have heard an outcry of concern as researchers and pundits predict that the generational shift in leadership as baby-boomers retire or semi-retire will lead to a leadership gap or worse. Scholarly articles, such as one by The Bridgespan Group, surveys like a recent Saba report, and newspaper articles, such as some by the Non-Profit Times and the Chronicle of Philanthropy, have published numerous articles on the subject. Predictions abound of rudderless ships, a shrunken or limited leadership supply chain, Gen Xers who don’t know how to stay in one place for more than a couple of years and, worst of all, corporate émigrés who want to try their hand at “something meaningful” and step into these jobs. All reflecting a dire forecast that our sector cannot possibly survive without the baby boomers!
Wrong. And this comes from one of those baby boomers who, in fact, has plans to relinquish her leadership post this year.
I have full confidence that there is a supply of talented leaders who wait in the wings. I believe new leaders will help inject new energy and perhaps even new meaning into the work. Just as my generation—mainly folks who were in college in the late l960s and early l970s who believed we could “change the world” and “make a difference” through our participation in the explosive social movements of that era (anti-Vietnam War or equal rights for women, African-Americans, the LGBT community)—so too are there people now in their 30s, 40s and 50s who come with the same set of values and ideals … and who might be even smarter about managing people and technology than we were. As quiet as it’s kept, we baby boomers really do not have the monopoly on compassion, commitment to social justice or very hard work.
I am convinced there is a new generation fully prepared to assume leadership roles in our sector, with the right and relevant experience, possibly better equipped than many boomers were when we took these positions. Moreover, not only do they have passion and a sense of mission, but they tweet and Instagram too!
What is my cause for optimism? Every day at UNH I meet people with incredible drive, great credentials and a tangible passion for social justice. Some of them work right beside me at UNH, and some come to see me because they are looking for help finding a job in our field. They want to do this work! And they are so impressive!
They are chomping at the bit to help nonprofits succeed and achieve their missions. I spend a lot of time counseling these new leaders against the entrepreneurial pull to start their own nonprofits, andinstead join agencies like settlement houses, which, despite their longevity and size, still provide incredible opportunities for people to innovate, to try new approaches, and to make a difference.
I am bullish about the future leadership of our sector. I hope the boards of directors who do the hiring of the next crop of executive directors in our system recognize that diversity in leadership—age, gender, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation—is a tremendous advantage for their organizations, and that they will come to see what I do: a glorious and exciting future for our field.
NEXT STORY: City Budget Offers Recognition of Human Services Nonprofits