
2014 Election Preview

In a few short days, New Yorkers will go to the polls and pick their representatives from the field of candidates battling to represent them.

City & State’s election preview for the 2014 general election will not advise you whom to vote for, but it does provide an in-depth perspective on the dynamics in pivotal races across the state.

The three major statewide races—for governor, attorney general and comptroller—have been relatively lackluster affairs, with the Democratic incumbents leading by large margins in the polls. But City & State’s Albany reporter Ashley Hupfl has the inside scoop on what is at play in each race, even if Gov. Andrew Cuomo, Attorney General Eric Schneiderman and Comptroller Tom DiNapoli have little to fear.

To get beyond the attacks and the spin featured in the one and only televised debate in the governor’s race, City & State’s Managing Editor Michael Johnson hones in on its key takeaways.

And City & State’s Albany Bureau Chief Jon Lentz offers his latest analysis of the volatile landscape in the New York State Senate, the one arena that could see a shift in power— either on Nov. 4 or, potentially, well after the votes are counted.

To find out what to watch for on Election Day, read on.