
Lori Boozer Gets UFT Endorsement

Adding to her coalition of support from organized labor in New York City, Brooklyn state Assembly candidate Lori Boozer has secured the endorsement of the New York State United Teachers and its city affiliate, the United Federation of Teachers, in the race to fill the recently convicted William Boyland Jr.'s vacated seat. 

UFT President Michael Mulgrew cited Boozer's commitment to closing the achievement gap and improving schools in Central Brooklyn. 

“On issue after issue, Lori Boozer has the right ideas to move Central Brooklyn and New York City forward,” Mulgrew said in a statement. “A vote for Lori is a vote for our teachers, our parents and our children, and that’s why we’re proud to endorse her campaign.”

With the addition of the UFT endorsement, Boozer, a housing advocate, now has the support of three of the most powerful unions in the city, along with 1199 SEIU and SEIU 32BJ. All three have reputable turnout operations that will be vital on primary day, especially as Boozer faces off against a crowded field to replace Boyland. Boozer also has the support of the Working Families Party. 

Latrice Walker, an aide to Rep. Yvette Clarke who has the support from many local elected officials, including Clarke and state Senators Velmanette Montgomery and Kevin Parker, and Ineisha Williford, an aide to New York City Councilwoman Darlene Mealy, are considered Boozer's main competition. Christopher Durosinmi, a constituent liaision for state Sen. Martin Dilan, and community activist Tony Herbert are also running.