
Lone State Senator Receives Bloomberg Contribution

When he was mayor of New York City, Michael Bloomberg contributed hundreds of thousands of dollars to fund state legislative candidates, including especially hefty sums for state Senate Republicans.

In Bloomberg’s first six months out of office, that funding has dried up—with the lone exception of a $6,500 contribution in late April to state Sen. Mark Grisanti, a Western New York Republican, according to the latest filings with the state Board of Elections.

Bloomberg still has plenty of time to give to other Republicans before the November elections, although it is unclear whether he will do so now that he is out of office. In September 2012, he donated $1 million to the Senate Republican Campaign Committee.

The former mayor has made several large donations to Grisanti in recent years, including $10,500 in 2011 after the senator crossed the aisle to vote for same-sex marriage. He also gave generously to two other GOP state senators who bucked their party to pass same-sex marriage, Roy McDonald and Stephen Saland, although both were ousted from office.

Last year Grisanti also cast a vote in favor of the SAFE Act, a landmark gun control bill, which, along with his vote on same-sex marriage, has drawn criticism from conservatives in his district. Bloomberg has been an active and outspoken advocate of gun control legislation.

“Michael Bloomberg has always contributed to the senator’s campaign, and we appreciate his support,’ said Doug Curella, a spokesman for the Grisanti campaign.

Bloomberg could not be reached for comment.